Marcelo, from Brazil, was part of the Young Adults Retreat during the past summer.
Tell us a little bit about you, where you come from, what brought you to the world of meditation?
I’m Marcelo and I come from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Since 2014 I regularly attend Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions (a Japanese ancient art for harmonizing body, mind and spirit) in my hometown, and it so happened that the practitioner was also the founder of a local WCCM group. She always talked to me about the benefits of meditation, but I thought I’d never be able to concentrate, since my life was very busy. But in 2016, I finally decided to try meditation, as I was gradually drawn to stillness in this growingly fast and distracting world.
How do you feel about the experience of meditation? How important is it in your life?
Most of all, I feel that meditation is a time dedicated to our true Self. Closing my eyes and concentrating on the mantra, even for a few minutes (or seconds!), is an exercise to overcome all the distractions, the thoughts on things, on power or on body sensations. Every day, I feel the importance and joy that this experience brings. The more I practice, the more it becomes part of my life and the more I focus on the mantra.
How long have you stayed at Bonnevaux? What have you enjoyed the most about being there?
I stayed in Bonnevaux for 5 days and 4 nights. I loved the group, the place and I felt at home instantly. The outdoor mass was really special, with the sunset just behind Fr. Laurence! I also enjoyed the work in the farm, the opportunity to touch the soil with my hands and to feel the energy that came from it.
How do you see the importance of being in a community?
Being in a community gives us constantly the opportunity to share and to experience diversity. It’s very special to be among people so different from each other but with the same aim of peace, consciously facing the challenges of human nature.
What would you say to others who are thinking to come and visit?
Leave at home all your ordinary expectations and let yourself be touched by a unique scenery and people. Live every moment, breath every word, allow yourself to be filled with the light of your days in Bonnevaux.