
Healing Trauma; Unblocking the Stream of Life

This event is online only This 1-day seminar builds and expands on the one held in October 2020 on meditation as a “Healing Response to Trauma”. Many participants asked for further exploration and discussion on the challenge of trauma-suffering and how a whole-person approach achieves the best healing. In a contemplative spirit this seminar will highlight […]


09 Oct, 2021

This event is online only

This 1-day seminar builds and expands on the one held in October 2020 on meditation as a “Healing Response to Trauma”. Many participants asked for further exploration and discussion on the challenge of trauma-suffering and how a whole-person approach achieves the best healing.

In a contemplative spirit this seminar will highlight the integrated approach needed for dealing with deep and complex long term trauma. The presenters will cover the psychological, physical and spiritual aspects of trauma and of a healing response that restores the survivor to a healthy and vigorous life. 

Each presenter believes in the essential unity of these three aspects as well as being able to focus on the elements in which they have acquired expertise and practical experience.

Schedule (French time)

Announced soon

Registration for this event opens soon

Gregory Fricchione, MD, is Associate Chief of Psychiatry, Director of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine and of the Chester Pierce Division of Global Psychiatry and Co-Director of the McCance Center for Brain Health at Mass General Hospital and the Mind Body Medicine Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He graduated from the New York University School of Medicine in 1978 and went on to do his psychiatry residency and chief residency at NYU-Bellevue and fellowship at Mass General Hospital. He specializes in neuropsychiatry and psychosomatic medicine and for over 35 years has cared for patients with severe medical, neurological and surgical illnesses. He is the author of more than 200 publications and has authored or co-authored 6 books including “Compassion and Healing in Medicine and Society. On the Nature of Attachment Solutions to Separation Challenges” (2011) and “The Science of Stress” (2016). Dr. Fricchione is also the medical editor of the 2020 Harvard Medical School Special Report on Stress Management. His research interests include the neurophysiology of stress and resilience and how the comparative neurology of brain evolution illuminates our concepts of health and illness and medical caregiving.

Laurence Freeman is a Benedictine monk of the Monastery of S. Maria del Pilastrello, Lendinara, Italy, in the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto. He is Director of Bonnevaux and of The World Community for Christian Meditation. 

Giovanni Felicioni (Bonnevaux Associate Director) is part of the WCCM since the beginning, being involved in its official foundation in 1991. He is an Oblate, a certified Advanced Rolfer™, a Rolf Movement™ practitioner and a Yoga Teacher.

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