The forty days of Lent lead today into the beginning of Holy Week which culminates in Easter Sunday and the Resurrection. This Palm Sunday Contemplative Eucharist will draw meditators and friends from around the world to share the meaning of the sacred.
Most of our life today in the modern world is ‘secular time’ – when we earn money, do productive things or keep busy about material issues. ‘Sacred time’ opens us to the dimension we usually forget – of the spirit and the divine presence within us and within all time and activity. This week the sacred dimension of time is focused on living through the events of the last days of Jesus as recorded in the Passion Narrative that is the gospel read dramatically by a number of readers in today’s mass.
In the symbolism of today’s liturgy, we begin by holding palm branches to recall the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem a few days before his death. It reminds us to reflect on the direction of our own lives and see how the Gospel story sheds light into the meaning we can so easily fail to recognise.
As usual with a Bonnevaux Eucharist each reading is followed by a short commentary and Fr Laurence expands on the Gospel and a meditation period follows communion before the final blessing.
Free / No registration required
A link to join the live event will be available here on the day