In English with French translation
The option still available for this retreat is “off-site accommodation, independent booking and payment – meals included”. You will need to manage your own transportation to the Abbaye.
In an era of excess and climate emergency the wisdom of moderation taught in all spiritual traditions has never been more urgent to recover: the middle way of the Buddha and St Benedict. Lent is a sacred season giving us the opportunity to find and hold the joy of balance – good for us, good for the world.
During this retreat, there will be meditation times in the morning, midday and evening, contemplative mass, times of sharing, rest, solitude and opportunities for contact with the beautiful nature around the Abbaye. You will be living in harmony with the body, mind, spirit, prayer, work, reflections, the lifestyle of Bonnevaux.
The retreat’s theme – ‘The Tightrope of Moderation’ – takes its inspiration from a need to be looking at the way in which we can retune, hold the centre and do so in a light and yet effective way.
Retreat start and end times:
Registration 16:30 Monday 24th
Retreat ends after lunch on the Sunday 1 March
Retreat leaders
Laurence Freeman
Fr Laurence is a Benedictine monk of the Monastery of S. Maria del Pilastrello, Lendinara, Italy, in the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto. He is Director of Bonnevaux and of The World Community for Christian Meditation.
Giovanni Felicioni
Giovanni (Bonnevaux Associate Director) has been part of the WCCM since its inception in 1991. He is an Oblate, a certified Advanced Rolfer™, a Rolf Movement™ practitioner and a Yoga Teacher.