The Retreat Centre of Bonnevaux – Donations – US & Canada
If you would like to make a donation of any amount, and want to receive a tax receipt, click HERE. WCCM-USA is our 501-C3 Foundation that will provide this Tax deductible receipt. Please make sure that your donation is directed “for Bonnevaux” on the form.
Or send your check or credit card information to:
1112 Third Street, Suite #9
Neptune Beach FL 32266.
If you wish to receive a tax receipt please make your donation through The Canadian Christian Meditation Community Registered Charity. By cheque or credit card mailed to:
P.O. Box 52, Station NDG
Montreal, QC H4A 3P4
‘Bonnevaux Fund’ in the memo line.
By E-transfer to:
‘Bonnevaux Fund’ in the message.
By phone:
514-485- 7928 for Credit Card or further information.
The Abbey of Bonnevaux is the spiritual home of the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM) which includes a Conference and Retreat Centre dedicated to peace.
The activities of the Abbey are organized under the responsibility of l’Association Abbaye de Bonnevaux – Centre pour le Paix (ABP).
The Association, which is governed by the French law of 1st July 1901, is registered in Poitiers under the reference RNA: W863007299.
L’Abbaye de Bonnevaux est le foyer spirituel de la Communauté mondiale pour la méditation chrétienne (WCCM) comprend un centre de conférences et de retraites dédié à la paix.
Les activités de l’abbaye sont organisées sous la responsabilité de l’Association Abbaye de Bonnevaux – Centre pour le Paix (ABP) .
Cette association, régie par la loi française du 1er juillet 1901, est enregistrée à Poitiers sous la référence RNA: W863007299;