We will shortly publish more events, but for now, these are two important dates for this year:
15 June: Blessing of Bonnevaux
A blessing will open the Abbaye and Conference centre while the work on the Guesthouse continues with scheduled completion for December 2019.
24 July – 4 August: Young Adults Meditation Retreat
‘Young’ is a state, not a measurement, but this retreat focuses on meditators between 18 and 40. Those with more experience of life will be of help to the younger and the younger can help reenergise the older. The retreat is in two parts: the first at Bonnevaux (24-31 July) sharing in the life of the community, meditation, yoga, worship, work and study, as well as creative activities such as pottery, writing, music, and
dancing. There will be an opportunity to work on the land and our new organic farm project. There will be times for sharing and personal direction. In the second part (optional, 1-4 August) there will be a few days walking along the Camino to Compostela. Those who wish can then return to Bonnevaux for additional time sharing in the life of the community, getting to know more fully it’s mission as a centre of and for peace and for personal and social transformation.
For more information: contact@bonnevauxwccm.org