
Bonnevaux Evenings


In April, Meditatio House in London began a monthly social evening of meditation, friendship and introducing new friends to Bonnevaux. Members of the community invite their personal friends who are interested in meditation and may also like to help realise the Bonnevaux vision. These Bonnevaux Evenings have proved very attractive and also enjoyable. They are, first of all, an opportunity to share the gift of meditation with new people – who are also happy to hear the good and feel the inspiration of Bonnevaux. “Some good news, at last!”, one guest remarked.

The evening starts with a short introduction to meditation, followed by meditation and some sharing by meditators on what the practice means to them. People then have a light supper and glass of wine which provides an opportunity to discuss meditation in general terms, responding to questions and, of course, introduce Bonnevaux, with its vision and needs, in more detail.

Fr Laurence and the Bonnevaux team encourage national and local WCCM communities as well as oblate cells to replicate this idea, sharing the gift of meditation in connection with the vision of Bonnevaux. For further information on how the evening can be set up and organised please contact Adrienne Letay
