There is a professional and energetic team dedicated to realising our vision for Bonnevaux. Central to it are the architects who met in London recently to take us to the next level of detail. DP Architects in Singapore, an internationally renowned firm (who have meditation daily at their head office), under their CEO, Angelene Chan, are giving their services freely to the community. Mathieu Meur, Frven Lim and Kailas Moorthy are all part of the team working on the renovation schedule. Jeff Seeck, a German meditator and engineer, has given his skills on the team as Project Manager – just who we needed at the right time! We see all this generously donated talent as a sign of the presence of the Spirit in Bonnevaux.
We will complete the sale during the summer. We intend to start work on the community house, guest house and conference centre in the Fall. Some national groups and many individuals are planning to visit next year, so we want to be ready to receive you. Our core community (drawn from several countries and languages) is meeting next month near Bonnevaux, at the ancient Benedictine monastery of Liguge, to spend time in prayer and reflection together.
Thank you all for your very generous support – for the time, talent and treasure so many are giving. We have now reached the purchase price goal. We are more than half way towards the goal of Phase One.
If you haven’t contributed yet please do so. However modest the amount it counts. It also greatly encourages our whole team working on behalf of the community to make Bonnevaux a stable centre of peace and for peace in our uncertain world.
You can contribute simply by clicking the Donate link here.
If you have any questions about donations please contact Briji Waterfield at our International centre: Briji@wccm.org
