
Category: News and Updates

Summer heat and silence

Like most of western Europe, we had a sweltering start to August at Bonnevaux with temperatures regularly over 35 C. Meditation at 6h15 has been

Music at Bonnevaux: 21st of July

A music concert with works by J S Bach and Hildegard of Bingen will be held in Bonnevaux on the 21st of July. More information here.

St Benedict’s day at Bonnevaux

On the 11th of July, we will have a celebration of St Benedict’s day at Bonnevaux. This is the schedule: 07h15 Morning Prayer and Meditation

Our new home is taking shape…

Building work at Bonnevaux has been progressing and we are on schedule. Exterior work on the Abbaye – the main building where the community will

The Bonnevaux Association meeting

The Bonnevaux Association had a first meeting in May. This group will oversees the organization of the new international Centre.

Making all things new…

The renovation works in Bonnevaux have been targeting the exterior of the main house, the demolition of the interiors and the external heritage carpentry and